Meditation for anxiety and stress relief

Achieving stress relief through meditation

If stress leaves you feeling anxious, tense and worried, meditation is a method you should consider. It is a simple and inexpensive technique, which does not require any special equipment.

When done correctly, meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace, balance and produce a deep state of relaxation. It can help you gain a new perspective on the stressful situations in your life, increase your self-awareness, allow you to focus on the present and reduce negative emotions.

Getting started with meditation

The following is a step-by-step instruction of a simple / introductory meditation for stress relief.

Step 1 – Pick your spot

Ideally, this should be a comfortable private space, with limited background noise, where you won’t be disturbed by others. If you have your own bedroom, it is probably the best place.

Step 2 – Sitting position

When starting out, we recommend sitting on a comfortable chair. Alternatively, you can sit cross-legged (also known as the “lotus” position) on your bed. Choose whichever is most comfortable to you and ensure you sit upright.

Step 3 – Relax your body

Once you are sitting comfortably, close your eyes and focus on relaxing each part of your body, one at a time. Start with your toes, feet, ankles, shins, calves and slowly move up your body. It is key to relax your shoulders, neck, jaw, eyes and face - these are common areas in which we hold tension.

Step 4 - Be still and focus on your breathing

Now that you are sitting comfortably and your body is relaxed, it is time to be still. Be aware of your surroundings, your body, the sounds around you. Don’t react or attempt to change anything.  Just be aware.

Breathe silently, yet deeply. Engage your diaphragm and fill your lungs, but do not force your breath. Notice how your breath feels in your chest and belly, as it flows in and out.

Step 5 - Calm your mind

As you focus on your breath, your mind will begin to calm. This does not mean that thoughts will cease to arise in your mind.

Some days your mind will be busy and filled with inner dialogue, other days it will remain calm and focused.

Regardless, as thoughts come to you, simply acknowledge them, set them aside, and return your focus to your breathing. This is your one time each day to be calm and at peace, not focus on how to solve any of the problems and issues in your life.

Step 6 – Finishing

When you are ready to end your meditation session, slowly acknowledge your presence in the space around you. Gently move your hands, feet, arms and legs, and then open your eyes, Move slowly and take your time getting up.

How long should I meditate?

When starting out, it is common to sit for shorter periods of time (5 to 10 minutes). As you become more comfortable with your practice, meditate longer. Set an alarm if you prefer to sit for a predetermined length of time.

Meditating - Recommended Resources

To get started with meditation, we recommend Headspace, an app that provides guided meditations (in audio) designed for beginners.

Although sitting on a chair is fine when you start meditation, some experienced meditators like to use a meditation cushion – it helps you to sit in an upright position, thus improving your alertness and the quality of your meditation. Some people find it more comfortable to use a cushion also. We like Peace Yoga’s meditation cushion (available on Amazon in 6 colors).

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