Best Essential Oils For Anxiety

What is aromatherapy?

The use of essential oils, extracted from flowers and plants to enhance a person’s health and mood.

It is believed that the inhalation of essential oils stimulates the brain, causing chemicals to be released – depending on the scent, this can make you feel more relaxed, calm, or even stimulated.

Aromatherapy - how to do

Aromatherapy can be achieved by using essential oils in a number of ways – for example, in a bath, with direct inhalation, or even through an aromatherapy diffuser (a device which is used to disperse the oil into the surrounding air).

Be sure to research each type of oil you're using, as some may negatively impact people taking certain medications, with medical conditions, children and those who are pregnant. 100 percent pure, organic essential oils are recommended. Essential oils made from cheaper, artificial fragrance oils often contain synthetic chemicals and rather than helping, their use may actually harm you.

ESSENTIAL OILS for ANXIETY & stress relief

There are a number essential oils that can be used for stress relief including the four below:

  1. Lavender - Produces a calming, relaxing effect. Studies highlight that its use can reduce stress, anxiety and aggression.
  2. BergamotCan induce a state of relaxation and calmness. Reduces agitation.
  3. Frankincense - Promotes calmness and relaxation. Helps with anxiety
  4. Ylang YlangEspecially useful for dealing with anger and frustration.

Each of these oils are sold in 100% pure form by Plant Guru.

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